The Role of GcMAF Capsules in Autoimmune Disease Management

GcMAF is a protein that has an incredible ability to directly activate macrophages. This immunotherapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of cancers.

However, the MHRA carried out an unannounced inspection of a company producing GcMAF and found that its starting material was not suitable for human use. This caused significant concerns about the safety and quality of their product.

Activation of macrophages

Gc protein contains an O-linked trisaccharide [sialic acid-galactose-N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) at Thr420] that can be glycosylated to form a potent macrophage activating factor (GcMAF). The preparation of a desialylated/degalactosylated version of GcMAF is a safe and effective immunotherapy for cancers.

GcMAF capsule activates the immune system to destroy cancer cells and other foreign invaders. It has also been shown to treat serious illnesses like HIV AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis.

It has also been shown to prevent the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. It also stimulates the proliferation of immune-cell progenitors, which results in a rapid increase in antibodies. These antibodies can also help fight cancer cells and other serious diseases. Unlike other treatments that can have serious side effects, second-generation GcMAF is safe and has no cumulative toxicity. It can be taken indefinitely and is completely safe to use with any other treatment. In one case, GcMAF was used in conjunction with sonodynamic photodynamic therapy to eradicate a patient’s tumors and metastases.

Inhibition of angiogenesis

GcMAF is a protein produced by the immune system to activate macrophages. It also binds to certain tumor cells and inhibits the growth of blood vessels that supply cancer cells with nutrients. This property makes it an effective anticancer agent.

It can also be used in combination with other treatments that don’t harm the immune system. It works particularly well in synergy with targeted therapies that target specific proteins or cellular signaling pathways.

0.5 ml of High-Dose second-generation GcMAF (Saisei Mirai GcMAF) contains approximately 1500ng of GcMAF. It is produced using a new process that does not require a de-glycosylation step, making it much easier to purify. This is a major breakthrough and opens the door to functional analyses of GcMAF and future clinical evaluation. This latest formulation of GcMAF was developed by Dr Hitoshi Hori and Dr Yoshihiro Uto at the University of Tokushima. They have also published a number of scientific papers.

Inhibition of tumor growth

GcMAF is a naturally occurring serum glycoprotein that increases macrophage activation and generates superoxide radicals, which are known to inhibit tumor growth. It also decreases tumor necrosis factor and inflammatory markers. In addition, GcMAF has been shown to stimulate dendritic cells and increase their maturation.

Some people have been buying unlicensed blood-derived GcMAF from a company called First Immune in Guernsey, believing it could cure autism. But the product may be ineffective and could pose a risk to health, according to Cancer Research UK.

A new generation of GcMAF, developed by Saisei Mirai, has been reported to have increased stability and higher concentrations of activity. It can be administered by intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) injection, and it has been shown to have high macrophage phagocytic activity for at least a year. Further testing is ongoing for its long-term effectiveness and safety. The retracted studies from Nobuto Yamamato used a test that is not accurate at detecting GcMAF in the body, and they didn’t look at nagalase levels in the blood, which are usually tested to see whether a cancer has spread.

Inhibition of metastasis

Some studies claimed that GcMAF wiped out breast, colorectal and prostate cancers, but experts questioned their research design and methods. In addition, the results of these studies haven’t been replicated. GcMAF isn’t FDA-approved as a cancer treatment, and researchers aren’t testing it for this purpose.

Saisei Mirai developed a second-generation GcMAF, which has higher activity and stability. It is made using a new process and patent-pending technology, in collaboration with Dr Hitoshi Hori and Dr Yoshihiro Uto at Tokushima University. This improved GcMAF has increased macrophage phagocytosis activity and antitumor activities.

High-Dose GcMAF is used in combination with other treatments that don’t harm the immune system, such as Sonodynamic Therapy (SDT), Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), Maitake Extract, Coley Fluid, high-dose IV Vitamin C, low dose Naltrexone (LDN), Alpha-Lipoic Acid, hyperthermia therapy and immunotherapies (including autologous cancer vaccine). It is also recommended to have normal blood levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 and calcium. This is important for the activation of GcMAF.

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